
Sunday, October 31, 2010

Phoenix Hail Storm

Arizonans were taken aback on October 5, 2010 to experience a full blown hail storm in the desert. For many of the children in Phoenix this was their first time seeing hail on the ground. Many children were shocked to find ice on the ground when the high for the day was 86 degrees. Most recalled that snow forms in freezing temperatures, typically 32 degrees or below.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

When stocks breakout on low volume

As the market has gone into its convoluted spins and twists, we often get
complacent and forget the fundamentals of market moves. One of the most
important is volume folks and we apologize for not bringing this up in
months. When you are looking at a stock for a breakout over resistance, it is
often very important to the validity of that breakout if it comes with
accompanying volume. Too often a breakout that occurs on low volume is

Sunday, October 10, 2010

How to Get Rich

It seems that everyone wants to get rich. Many books have been written on this subject, classes have been taught by many who claim to show you an easy way to get rich, rich people have given advice on how to get rich, and many other schemes have been developed that guarantee you will get rich fast. Getting rich is one of the main goals of most people, and while it is never easy, here are some sensible techniques that will increase your chances of getting rich.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Why the Federal Reserve Buys Treasury Bonds

You might as the question: Why does the federal reserve buy treasuries? Isn’t that just taking money from one pocket and putting it in another?

The short answer to the latter is yes. 

Still, economists do present a few

Saturday, October 2, 2010

ObamaCare & the Costs of the Welfare State

Snagged from Real Clear Politics, this essay (I refuse to call it an article) by Charles Kesler offers astute insights into the ramifications of Obamacare and what it means to the American way of life. Obama is achieving the transformation of America just as he promised. 

As a candidate, Barack Obama used to joke about the sun breaking through the clouds when he started to speak. Lately, the sun god seems to have deserted