
Sunday, October 2, 2016

Two Oil Companies, Seadrill and ConocoPhillips, Ripe for Rebound.


Saudi Arabia can or is no longer willing to sustain low crude oil prices.

Last round of public sector benefit cuts and large budget deficits indicate that the country is losing the oil war.

OPEC's decision to curtail production is a big win for U.S. shale oil companies.

I think oil can hit $60 in the next couple of months. Here are my two top bets for rising oil.

Last week, the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) delivered a major surprise to world energy markets. The organization, which has earned a reputation for ineffective decision-making (and some would say for paralyzing itself, too) has agreed to curtail production in November in a bid to support crude oil prices.

Saturday, April 23, 2016

"Resentment" by Gary Bryan

by Gary Bryan
From The Song, "Resentment"
Album: "The Problem With Love"

Saturday, March 5, 2016

Can traits of previous lovers appear in a mother's future children?

Scientists have proved telegony exists, where offspring take on the characteristics of a mother's previous sexual partner.

An intriguing new study suggests children may indeed resemble a mother’s previous sexual partner.

The idea that the physical traits of

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Pennsylvania woman falls but is strangled by her medical alert necklace.

An 86-year-old New Cumberland woman has fallen but will never get up again. She died after she tripped and her medical alert necklace caught on her walker and strangled her to death.

Roseann J. DiFrancesco was found dead in her bathroom on Feb. 15, according to the report from the Cumberland County Coroner's Office. Relatives had last spoken to her on Feb. 12.

She was found after a visiting nurse, unable to summon