Instead of addressing the crucial issues that have led to the U.S. being dependent on foreign oil to the tune of $500 billion per year, Congress decided to spend your tax dollars on the following vital items (compliments of Casey Research ):
- $200,000 for tattoo removal for gang members in California .
- $98 million for a Coast Guard ice breaker closing an ice-breaking gap. (what about global warming)
- $950,000 for a bikeway in Kentucky .
- $2 million for astronomy awareness in Hawaii .
- $190,000 for a Buffalo Bill Historical Center.
- $650 million for the digital to analog converter box program.
- $1.8 million to study the effect of swine odor on the environment. (rumor has it the study will be conducted in the halls of Congress)
When oil prices collapsed from $147 a barrel in the summer of 2008 to $35 a barrel in January, American drivers, Congress, government bureaucrats, and the mainstream media refocused on other more pressing issues like executive bonuses, Michele Obama's wardrobe, and the tax law knowledge of Obama's cabinet. The attention span of the average American is shorter than a gnat's. As they text and twitter through life, the energy infrastructure continues to rust away, decades old wells are closer to depletion, and alternative energy projects have been scrapped by the thousands. Peak oil likely occurred between 2005 and 2009. The production of oil will now embark on a long slow decline. The world is not prepared.
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